Argos – BPH 2016

BPH test with gunshot – Kadamo Nothing But Gold “Argos”
Kadamo Nothing But Gold "Argos"

BPH – Behavior definitions – Behavioural and personality description for a dog
BPH is a description whose purpose is to contribute to increased knowledge about dog mentality. It caters to both special and breed clubs and breeders who want to get a picture of the mentality of the dogs involved in breeding, as to the individual dog owners who want to learn more about their dog’s mental capacity. With the help of BPH increases the ability to identify those individuals who distinguishes itself positively and has the qualities we want in our dogs!

The majority of the behavioral observations during the test are described by the use of scales in multiple steps. One or more scales are used to provide a picture of the dog’s behavior in each sequence of each section. This means that simultaneous reactions or reactions that occurs temporally close to each other, can be described by separate scales. Each scale intends to describe a specific behavior or a motivational or emotional state of the dog. Low value of the scale (less than zero) means that the dog is not showing any signs of the behavior / condition. High values ​​on the scale means that your dog shows signs of high levels of behavior / condition.

The most common is that the scales describes the behavior / state intensity of the dog at the given moment. Since behavioral expressions can have different aspects are in some cases double scales for the same behavior / condition. One describes as the strength or intensity of expression, usually the maximum strength / intensity during the sequence, while the second describes how long the dog is showing signs of being in motivation / emotion in the sequence.


BPH test with gunshot – Kadamo Nothing But Gold “Argos” result – highligted in red
City / Location: Väster Kumla Gård, Nykvarn
Date: 2016-09-03
Descriptor: Ingalill Larsson
Test Manager: Ninni Ottervall

Part 1 – Unknown person
Phase 1 – Meeting with stranger
Phase 2 – Follow the stranger

Unknown person Not at allVery Much
Happy to meet new people 0 1 2 3 4
Secure 0 1 2 3 4

Part 2 – Object game
Phase 1 – Play with their own objects
Phase 2 – Play with standard objects
Phase 3 – Play with strange person and standard objects

Object game Not at allVery Much
Energetic 0 1 2 3 4
Playful 0 1 2 3 4

Part 3 – Food interest
Phase 1 – Movement against food
Phase 2 – Interest to eat
Phase 3 – Endurance
Phase 4 – Physical effort

Food interest Not at allVery Much
Energetic 0 1 2 3 4

Part 4 – Surprice
Phase 1 – Initial reaction (when the figure jumps up)
Phase 2 – Contact with the figure
Phase 3 – Walk past the figure

Surprice Not at allVery Much
Curious 0 1 2 3 4
Anger 0 1 2 3 4
Secure 0 1 2 3 4

Part 5 – Rattling
Phase 1 – Initial reaction
Phase 2 – Contact with the sound source
Phase 3 – Walk past the sound source

Rattling Not at allVery Much
Curious 0 1 2 3 4
Secure 0 1 2 3 4

Part 6 – Approaching person
Phase 1 – Approaching person clapping – walking towards the dog – turn around
Phase 2 – From the dog is released

Approaching person Not at allVery Much
Happy to meet new people 0 1 2 3 4
Anger 0 1 2 3 4
Secure 0 1 2 3 4

Part 7 – Surface
Phase 1 – Walk over surface 1
Phase 2 – Walk over surface 2

Surface Not at allVery Much
Secure 0 1 2 3 4

Part 8 – Gunshot
Sequence 1 – Shot no. 1
Sequence 2 – The time between shots no. 1 and shot no. 2
Sequence 3 – Shot no. 2
Sequence 4 – The time after shot no. 2
Sequence 5 – Time to control

Gunshot Not at allVery Much
Secure 0 1 2 3 4

Over all conclusion

Over all conclusion Not at allVery Much
Energetic 0 1 2 3 4
Positive attitude 0 1 2 3 4


Over all conclusion Not at allVery Much
Loudly 0 1 2 3 4
Anger 0 1 2 3 4

BPH Chartimage - Kadamo Nothing But Gold "Argos"

Kadamo Nothing But Gold “Argos” full results can be seen at SKK Avelsdata

AngerHave easy to get angry and show it with menacing behaviour.
EnergeticAlert, awake and alert. Reacts quickly to stimuli. Can be perceived as the dog all the time is going on.
Happy to meet new people Thrives in dealings with strangers. responds happy to call the contact by strangers and often take their own initiative to contact.
PlayfulnessHappy to answer game invitational and invites himself happy to play.
LoudlyReacts readily with, in various resulting situations. Can also whine in anticipation of activities and be loud when greeting.
CuriousBeing interested in the events that occur and would love to explore them in a positive way.
Positive attitudeHave a generally happy attitude to life.
ConfidenceHave self-confidence. Detangles incurred fright situations in a rational way.
